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The Prince of Wales Forest Leadership Award - Work Wild

This inaugural award recognizes students and recent graduates who have actively engaged in forestry or natural resource management and have demonstrated a passion for the environment and a desire to solve complex problems. A total of 4 award-winners, 2 from Canada and 2 from the United Kingdom, will take part in the International Forestry Student Exchange Program during the summer.. Participating students will work at meaningful employment in their partner country, which will offer a broad range of interdisciplinary forestry experience in policy, planning and field work. This could include aiding in harvest prescriptions, high value conservation area determination, harvest block and road layout, silviculture-related data collection, modelling and analysis, or science and research support, along with urban forestry management, tree planting and nursery husbandry, or gaining a better understanding of how forestry NGOs and government work. If possible, individual participants will be given the opportunity to work for multiple employers during the exchange. This program connects future forestry leaders with all the resources required for success—providing unique experiences and opportunities, and empowering participants, while significantly contributing to employers and host countries alike.  Award-winners will receive a bursary of C$12,000 total (C$6,000 from TD Bank and C$6,000 from employers). Participants will cover their own expenses including flights, accommodation, local transportation, food, insurance and incidentals. In addition, participants will be asked to maintain a blog during the exchange and produce an article after the program finishes.

Who Can Apply?

For Canadian Applicants:


  • students who have spent at least 3 years in an accredited university forestry/natural resources management program, i.e. 3rd or 4th year students
  • students in a Master degree program in Forestry
  • students in a college forestry/natural resources technical program (must have finished one year)

Recent Graduates:

  • immediately following graduation from an accredited university forestry/natural resources management program
  • immediately following graduation from a Master degree in forestry
  • immediately following graduation from a college forestry/natural resources technical program

Must be a Canadian citizen, be studying/recently graduated from a Canadian post-secondary institution and able to travel to the United Kingdom.

For UK Applicants:


Find Out More,desire%20to%20solve%20complex%20problems.